
The Brink fellowship is an intensive one-year program to onboard exceptional software engineers into Bitcoin protocol development.

As a Brink fellow, you’ll spend a year working alongside our engineering team and the other Brink fellows. You’ll learn about all aspects of the Bitcoin Core system, including consensus, peer-to-peer networking, wallets and cryptography. You’ll become an effective open source contributor, and will start making contributions to the project from day one. By the end of your fellowship, you’ll have a track record of high-quality, high-impact contributions to Bitcoin Core or other open source projects, and you’ll be very well positioned to seek funding or employment to continue your open source Bitcoin career.

If you love Bitcoin and can’t imagine wanting to work on any other project, then there’s no better place to start your Bitcoin career. You’ll receive dedicated mentoring and support, be surrounded by passionate Bitcoiners, and learn by doing - making contributions to Bitcoin Core and other projects.

We’re looking for developers from all backgrounds to apply. You need to be passionate about Bitcoin and hungry to make contributions to the project. There are no specific educational requirements - evidence of prior open source contributions (code review, technical writing, etc) is far more important.

Fellows will be paid a competitive salary, with all of the benefits you’d expect for a software engineering job. The fellowship takes place in our London office, so applicants must be prepared to relocate. We may be able to help with travel and visas on a case-by-case basis.


Bitcoin’s long-term success requires a sustainable funding model for open source developers to maintain and extend the protocol, test and review code changes, and fix critical bugs in the software. Brink was founded to support Bitcoin development and Bitcoin open source developers. Our grant program is central to that mission.

The grant program awards year-long grants to established Bitcoin protocol developers to work full time on open source Bitcoin projects. Our primary focus is on the security and stability of the base protocol, but we will also fund research and development on extending functionality, scalability and usability of Bitcoin and related projects, including Lightning and other layer two technologies.

The grant program is open to developers anywhere in the world. Grant applicants must:

Brink Grantees

Picture of Michael Ford

Michael Ford (fanquake)

Michael's funding supports his work as a maintainer as well as his work on the build system, security, and reducing the number of dependencies used in the codebase.

Picture of Gloria Zhao

Gloria Zhao

Gloria is one of the maintainers of Bitcoin Core, primarily focused on mempool and P2P. She is currently working on package relay (BIP331) and transaction relay policy changes to make pinning attacks more difficult. She also co-runs Bitcoin Core PR Review Club aimed at helping newcomers learn about the codebase and PR review process.

Picture of Hennadii Stepanov

Hennadii Stepanov

Hennadii has been contributing code and review to Bitcoin Core since 2018. In that time he has become one of the most prolific contributors to the project. Hennadii’s funding allows him to work full time on Bitcoin Core development and review.

Picture of Sebastian Falbesoner

Sebastian Falbesoner

Sebastian's funding supports his code review and testing, improving test coverage, extending the test framework, and improving the networking/P2P and wallet codebases.

Picture of Niklas Gögge

Niklas Gögge

Niklas’ funding supports his work on Bitcoin Core. His focus is on making Bitcoin Core's peer-to-peer code more robust through review, testing and fuzzing.

Picture of Stéphan Vuylsteke

Stéphan Vuylsteke

Stéphan's grant enables him to continue his review and testing of changes to Bitcoin Core, contribute to Miniscript, and his educational efforts of new Bitcoin developers.

Picture of Fabian Jahr

Fabian Jahr

Fabian's grant supports his work on investigating innovations enabled by Schnorr signatures, dedicated in-depth code review of important Bitcoin Core initiatives, ASMap development, and alternative code hosting solutions.

Brink Alumni

Picture of Jesse Posner

Jesse Posner

Jesse’s funding supported his work on adaptor signatures and an implementation of the FROST threshold signature scheme. These technologies bring additional security, privacy and functionality to multisignature and second layer protocols.

Picture of Martin Zumsande

Martin Zumsande

Martin has been contributing to Bitcoin Core since early 2019. His grant focus was on Bitcoin Core's peer-to-peer and address relay code.

Picture of Bruno Garcia

Bruno Garcia

Bruno's funding supported his review and testing Bitcoin Core PRs, extending and improving test coverage, and P2P/wallet work.

Picture of 0xB10C


0xB10C's funding supported his Bitcoin network monitoring efforts, his work on Bitcoin Core development and review, his educational efforts maintaining bitcoin-dev.blog and his work on reorgs on Signet.

Picture of John Newbery

John Newbery


John has been contributing to Bitcoin Core since 2016. He co-founded Bitcoin Optech in 2018 to help Bitcoin companies adopt scaling technologies. He helped organize the bitdevs NYC meetups, the Chaincode Residency programs and the weekly Bitcoin Core PR review club. John co-founded Brink in 2020 to support Bitcoin protocol development and onboard future Bitcoin protocol developers and served on the board and as Executive Director.

Picture of Carla Kirk-Cohen

Carla Kirk-Cohen


Carla is a software engineer at Chaincode Labs. She was onboarded to full time work on Lightning at the Chaincode 2019 residency, and has served on the Brink board with the goal of helping other developers find their way to Bitcoin.

Picture of Antonie Hodge

Antonie Hodge


Antonie Hodge has worked at the intersection of cryptocurrencies and nonprofits for over six years and brought a wealth of operational experience to the Brink executive team. She is the Operations Director at Coin Center, the leading nonprofit focused on the policy issues facing cryptocurrencies. Antonie previously led our operations, finance, logistics and administration efforts.

Picture of Jerry Brito

Jerry Brito


Jerry is executive director of Coin Center, the leading non-profit research and advocacy group focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency technologies. He has testified several times before the U.S. Congress about cryptocurrencies, holds briefings for policy makers, and has presented to the CFTC, SEC, Treasury Department, State Department, the White House and elsewhere. His scholarly research has been published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy and the Stanford Technology Law Review, and his articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and elsewhere.

Picture of Tadge Dryja

Tadge Dryja

Tadge is co-author of the Lightning Network whitepaper, developed Discreet Log Contracts on Bitcoin, and works with the MIT Digital Currency Initiative. His grant enabled him to continue his work on Utreexo and mentorship with junior Bitcoin developers.

Picture of Alekos Filini

Alekos Filini

Alekos’ funding supported his work as maintainer of the Bitcoin Dev Kit. BDK is a lightweight and modular collection of tools for use by wallets and other Bitcoin applications.

Picture of Larry Ruane

Larry Ruane

Larry's funding supported his work on reviewing and testing Bitcoin Core PRs focusing on correctness, thread-safety, code organization and maintainability, test coverage, logging for problem analysis, and related areas.

Picture of Vincenzo Palazzo

Vincenzo Palazzo

Vincenzo's funding supported his work adding new features to Core Lightning and reviewing others' pull requests, as well as his ongoing contributions to the Lightning specification.

Picture of Christian Decker

Christian Decker

Christian served on Brink's board as well as grant committee. He works at Blockstream, wrote the world's first dissertation on Bitcoin and focuses on improving the understanding of underlying consensus mechanisms while making Bitcoin scalable and his research has resulted in numerous publications. Christian brought with him Bitcoin and Lightning technical expertise and insight to both the board as well as the grant committee.

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